Metistec Damage Analysis

Our Damage Analysis Service

With 15 years of knowledge and field experience, we carry out detailed damage analysis, especially on problems experienced in mold steels. We interpret the investigation and present it as a report with a solution proposal for the resulting damage mechanism.

Metistec Damage Analysis

When performing a damage analysis, the damage analysis is carried out in the following stages, taking into account the basic damage mechanisms such as fracture, fatigue, creep, deformation, corrosion and wear.

Damage Analysis StepsContentsEquipment
Collection of preliminary information
Preliminary examination
Selection of samples
Visual inspection of samples and preliminary cleaning
Writing the damage analysis report
Damage analysis report contentInformation about damagePhotography, visual inspection
Service conditions at the time of damage
Service records regarding the history of the damaged part
Chemical composition and mechanical properties of the partChemical Analysis XRF
Mechanical and metallurgical examination results of the damaged partSample preparation - Hardness
Determination of the cause and mechanism of damageExamination with Optical Microscope
Tips for preventing damage
Technical opinion