Injection Solutions

Metistec Injection Solutions

With our engineering solutions, we provide injection solutions and support to our customers regarding special design – manufacturing injection equipment.

We are the only authorized company in the Turkish region technical support and sales of the Spanish manufacturer CARRASCO.

  • High performance pin
  • Patented high pressure internal cooled pin
  • Matches
  • integrated systems
Injection Solutions


The main damage formation mechanism in metal injection pins is due to exposure to higher temperatures in a shorter time compared to the mold core and cooling in a shorter time and more compared to the mold core; Rapid hardness loss and high delta T (∆T) difference occur, which causes wrapping/sticking, erosion and the formation of thermal fatigue cracks. For metal injection pins, tool steels with sufficient strength/hardness at high temperatures or special alloy materials with high thermal conductivity should be preferred.

Critical parameters for high performance pins

  • Special Material
    Tungsten-based materials with high thermal conductivity, tool steels with good high temperature temper resistance
  • Design solutions with internal cooling support
    Additive manufacturing, laser filling, thin deep hole with copper insulation, etc.
  • Duplex PVD coatings

Click for Carrasco high pressure aluminum injection solutions catalogue.


One of the problems that arise as a result of the increase in the weight of parts produced in metal injection is the gas gap problem, which reduces the mechanical properties of the part in post-casting tests. The gas gap problem can be solved with 3D chillvent and integrated vacuum systems, which minimize downtime with high efficiency compared to traditional methods.

As Metistec metal, it is responsible for the technical service and sales in Turkey of the products of the Spanish manufacturer CARRASCO, which is specialized in this field and has global references.

You can contact us regarding this issue, click for detailed information.